Monday, May 18, 2015

Green Infrastructure and Our Connection to the Landscape

I originally named my blog Landscape Connections without really thinking much about the names meaning. This was long before I knew what urban planning/ecology, Landscape Architecture or any of the fields were really about. Since then my understanding of the world around me has increased and grown, and the name couldn't have been more perfect. The field of Urban Ecology is growing to better understand our connections with each other and our environment.

As we recognize those connections, we learn to better integrate the needs of the environmental, social, economic spheres. Below is a video on Green Infrastructure, and how we can integrate it in all that we do.


Sustainability News

Check back for more news later


I just wanted to take a moment to send a personal message out to all those in the fields of Landscape Architecture, Gardening, Horticulture, and Urban Planning/Urban Ecology. I created Landscape Connections for the purpose to share my love and passion for Landscape Architecture and Design, and Urban Ecology. I was a Landscape Architecture Major at Utah State University and currently study Urban Ecology at the University of Utah. I am working to compile as much information in the four previously mentioned fields as possible. If you have any further information, or would like to either add information or see information posted to landscape connections please let me know.