Short Term Goals:
- “Build a Community Vision”
- Hold community outreach meetings regarding incorporation (discuss possibilities and concerns)
- Complete the incorporation checklist (included in this document)
- Complete the official incorporation process if approved by community
- Determine the type of Governance that best suits the community
- Explore financing strategies for funding municipal government
- Revise and update the General Plan and community vision
- Create strategies for:
- Affordable Housing
- Waste Management
- Alternative Transportation
- Alternative Energy
- Economic Development
- Cultural Diversity and Inclusion
- Adult and Childhood Education
- Food Accessibility
- Tourism Development
Medium Term Goals:
- “Actualizing the Vision”
- Create community ordinances and regulations to guide community development
- Zoning Ordinances*
- Growth boundaries
- Development Standards (dark sky, architectural, etc.)
- Enable plan for affordable housing development that can withstand the forces and pressures of gentrification and growth
- Implement a waste management plan that includes maintaining the current septic waste system or replacing it with a waste management facility.
- Implement alternative transportation strategies along major roads and transportation corridors (bi-cycle lanes, hiking paths, etc.)
- Implement alternative energy strategies that best function for the community
- Encourage local entrepreneurship by increasing mixed-use developments.
- Diversify the economic base of the community to foster resilience
- Promote diverse community relations that regularly include and interact with surrounding cultures
- Strengthen support for local art and culture
- Implement strategies that ensure high quality and stable education for both children and adults throughout in the community and the surrounding areas.
- Begin implementation of transition strategies that increase local food accessibility
- Expand affordable internet and cell phone coverage to meet the current and future needs of the community.
- Develop strategic alliances to increase local access to high quality preventative healthcare
- Implement tourism strategies that encourage development that is sustainable across the social, economic, and environmental structures of the community.
- Continually plan for and embrace expanded tourist seasons
- Use economic, social, and environmental marketing strategies to attract younger demographics to the community.
- Maintain a healthy and welcoming environment that accommodates the growing senior population in the community.
Long Term Goals
- “Managing Growth and Development”
- Regularly evaluate and revise the community vision, general plan, and guiding ordinances in order to maintain unity within the community
- Maintain a transparent and engaged system of government that constantly looks to the community for guidance
- Develop community relationships that continually engage with voices from the surrounding regions and cultures
- Manage and adapt economic development strategies that ensure economic success and reinforce the community vision
- Guide sustainable tourism development by discouraging development that exceeds the social, economic, and environmental carrying capacities of the community
- Continually search for ways to better provide meaningful childhood and adult educational experiences for community members